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None of Otto & Lydia's children are living anymore.
Each link below will list (By age) Otto & Lydia's Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchilren.
Beyond that it is too difficut to track.

Anna Neva
Henry Herrala
Heino Herrala
Melma Doucette
Alfred Herrala
Otto Herrala Jr.
Aune Anderson
Edna Hoyhtya
Senia Halone
Andrew Herrala
Marian Juntunen

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Miscellaneous Documents
Otto's Family Tree
Lydia's Family Tree
What is Sisu?
St. Urho (Mythology)
Herrala Facts

In the past Finns were obliged to struggle against nature and against foreign intruders. Despite all of the drawbacks along the way, the struggle gave a lot of strength. The early settlers found inspiration in the Finnish landscape, sky and in mythological heroes who taught them that it was possible to overcome obstacles. In more recent times the same sources have been the basic source of inspiration for athletes, artists, designers and architects who have made Finland known to the world.

If someone has determination, energy etc., you will say "He or She has Sisu."
Sisu is a unique Finnish concept. It stands for the philosophy that what must be done will be done, regardless of what it takes. Sisu is a special strength and persistent determination and resolve to continue and overcome in the moment of adversity…an almost magical quality, a combination of stamina, perserverance, courage, and determination held in reserve for hard times.
